Patented secure QR code
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Ubiqod Key, the forgery-proof QR Code

Technology Innovation, Ubiqod Key

The Ubiqod Key technology, patented by Skiply, opens up new possibilities for QR Codes by adding a proof of presence when a code is scanned, without changing users’ behaviours.

With this technology, a unique code is automatically generated at regular intervals (up to once per minute) on an epaper screen as thin as 3 sheets of paper. When this code is flashed, the Skiply server ensures that the code is valid.

If someone copies a code and tries to reuse it, the system will detect it as invalid.
The system provides several years of battery life.

Business applications are numerous:

  • Timekeeping of seconded staff
  • Access to information according to location
  • Follow-up of machine maintenance
  • Follow-up of multi-stakeholder care and services for the elderly or Hospital-At-Home patients
Use cases Ubiqod Key

As easy as a paper QR Code,
privacy as an added bonus!

Ubiqod Key offers new opportunities for the use of mobile phones for professional purposes, without invading user privacy.

When a user flashes the QR code in a place, the evidence is clear that he is situated close to the device.

This is therefore a punctual and limited-time geo-tracking. Here, by nature, users cannot continuously be tracked, unlike other technologies.

Ubiqod Key Principle

Ubiqod Key offers new opportunities for the use of mobile phones for professional purposes, without invading user privacy.

When a user flashes the QR code in a place, the evidence is clear that he is situated close to the device.

This is therefore a punctual and limited-time geo-tracking. Here, by nature, users cannot continuously be tracked, unlike other technologies.

Watch our webinar replay

Skiply has dedicated its latest webinar to game-changing technologies regarding proof of attendance!

Discover how Skiply solutions help you overcome all constraints imposed by activity-tracking systems.

From our efforts to solve all these constraints came our latest innovation Ubiqod Key.

A technology:

  • Patented
  • Contactless
  • Secured (without login/password)
  • Non-intrusive
  • Compatible with most popular smartphones

Ubiqod Key Keynote

Keynote Ubiqod Key

Jérôme Chambard and Sébastien Moulis, founders and co-leaders of Skiply present you Ubiqod Key and explain why this new patented technology is a game-changer regarding proof of attendance.

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